My stay was incredible the house was so inspiring every corner filled w art and handcrafted energy. Felt such at home in a beautiful space. The property was immersed in nature every step taking a deeper connection with the land. The gardens flourished with life and the greenhouse was an oasis of peace. Tranquil environment and rewarding work around to help. My only wish was to stay longer – in time I will be back. So much to learn from Ingrid & Sander they have immense knowledge of so many things – conversations were lively and filled with sharing experiences. Ate like a king!!
Caetano, October 2023
Just wanted to thank you for the beautiful time I had here. You live in a beautiful place and you build your own safe heaven in it and it’s very inspiring. Learned a lot in a short time.
Hamim, from Egipt, July 2023
I can`t quite put into words what a wonderful time I had here in your beautiful home. You should be so proud of the people that you are; so giving, kind, interesting, generous!
Eadie, from England, June 2022
Many many thanks for you kindness, patience and hospitality and for sharing your home with me. Hoping to see you again soon.
Marina, from Germany, May 2021
I couldn’t possibly put into words how grateful I am for You kindness and hospitality. I have felt like a member of the family since my first day at El Nido Feliz. My short time here has taught me so much. I hope I can return once again.
Lily, from England, August 2019
Wow, what a couple of weeks! It’s been ever better than I could’ve hoped for. A huge thank you for welcoming us wholeheartedly into your creazy world. An unforgettable experience!
Connor and Harvey, from England, July 2019
What a joyfull stay! We can’t remember the last time we had so much fun. We’re leaving this place sad, but full of beautiful memories.
Rosa and Julia, from Germany, May 2019
I am happy that I have opportunity to spend some time with so calm peoples, with no stress, no rush, it’s such a good feeling after coming from city life routine.
Ignas, from Lithuania, May 2019
I have really enjoyed my week here. It has been the highlight of my trip thus far.
Ella, from England, April 2019
Thank you very much for warmy welcoming me into the house, the food was really good and the sauna was amazing.
Willemien, from the Netherlands, Feb 2019
Second time I come here and nothing changes. Thank you so much for everyting, I had an incredible week with you and I will come back again I hope. I feel I have a family here en El Nido Feliz, and I don’t forget it!
Marie, from France, Jan 2019
Thank you for inviting us into your world. Even though our stay was short, we really enjoyed the feel of the place! It has a really woderful atmosphere here.
Ruby and Ania, Italy and Poland Dets 2018
No me imaginaba una experiencia tan inolvidable. Ahora me voy con corazón llena de amor, aleg´ia, energ´iacon recuerdos especiales.
Martina, from Austria, Nov 2018
Reviews in Estonian
Pidime tulema vaid korraks läbi aga jäme hoopiski nädalaks. Maailma suurimad tänud et saime toredast Hispaania mägisest taluelust osa.
Helen ja Mirko, veebruar 2023
Mul oli Teie juures olla need kolm nädalat väga suur au! See oli esimene kord elus proovida sellist elustiili. Tulen teile kindlasti veel appi juba teie kui inimeste pärast. Selliseid toredaid ja häid inimesi väga palju ei ole.
Hannes, juuli 2021
Oleme Teile väga tänulikud, et võtsite meid avasüli vastu ja olete meil aidanud sisse elada siinse eluga Valencias ja selle ümbruses. Külalislahkus, maitsvad riisitoidud ja koogid, saun, võrratu loodus, inimesed, koduloomad – need ei unune. See on õnnelik pesa kus on armastav pere, kuldsed käed ja soe süda, mis on avatud ka tundmatutele inimestele.
Kristel ja Urmas, jaanuar 2020
Nägime teistsugust Hispaaniat. Idüllilist, vaikset ja looduserüppe sulandunut. Ka aeg voolas siin teisiti. Kui siiani ei arvanud ma paellast midagi, siis siinset rooga ei jõua ära kiita.
Helja ja Vello, oktoober 2019
Istuda avara ja laia tähistaeva all ilma vähimagi valgusreostuseta, keset sumedat Hispaania sügisõhtut, on ilmselt parim võimalik set ühe ideaalse töölähetuse lõpetuseks.
Roald, oktoober 2019
Piparmündi lõhnaline El Nido Feliz, eriliste inimestega, armsate loomadega, ootab seal just sind.
Evelin, Leire ja Javier, juuli 2019
Ave and Raul, “eesti kliimapagulased Tenerifelt” May 2019

Aitähh teile Sander ja Ingrid!
Teie Paella oli tõeline maitseelamus. Ainuüksi selle pärast tasub kohale sõita.
Ja siis, kui päike tõuseb mäe tagant, ootab laual hanemuna omlett.
Suur aitäh toreda öömaja eest! Väga armas koht ja armsad inimesed (loomad ka!). Hea tunne jäi sisse ja soovime teile kõike mõnusat!
Tõnis, Liis and Tomy, May 2019
Selle trenni jaoks, mis mina tahtsin teha, on see perfektne koht ja ma arvan küll et see saab vist regulaarseks.
Reigo, April 2019
Tänud, et andsite võimaluse siia sattuda!
Mooni, April 2019
Ingrid ja Sander on nii laia silmaringiga ja palju lugenud, et iga vestlus on kui kulda väärt. See koht on imeline, aga ilma teieta poleks see pooltki seda! Minu lemmik hipid!
Sigrid, October 2017